I am all about getting things done efficiently. I try to prioritize starting things WAY ahead of time so that when the actual event is here, I am ready. A win in my book is having time the morning before hosting to enjoy the moment and not be running around like a chicken with no head. I know it sounds silly to prepare so far ahead, but it really helps me out. For example, we are going to DISNEY (shhh, the kids don’t know yet) and we are leaving on 10/20/24 and I started packing on 9/30/24. I start by laying out outfits by the days, packing pjs, underwear, socks – all stuff that we have enough of for the next three weeks before we leave on the trip. So these next ten helpful tricks can help you to be most productive in your day to day so as not to make you overwhelmed.
We have a new schedule this year. I just began working my part time job during the day. I used to work at night but now I work 9am-1pm Monday-Thursday which are the best hours! I can still pick my kids up from school and do all of the after school activities while also feeling like I can contribute to the family! Using these ten hacks helps the new schedule to work seamlessly.
There are plenty of overwhelming moments in my day but trying to minimize them is necessary in my book! Here are ten hacks to make life a little less hectic:
1)Do one load of laundry a day
This helps me avoid mountains of laundry piling up. Tackling it a little each day turns it into a habit rather than a chore. My husband jokes that I’m a laundry ninja, with clothes disappearing into the washing machine the moment they hit the floor. But he can’t complain about always having clean clothes!
2) Prep dinner whenever possible
My goal is to prep for the entire week, but our sports schedule makes that tricky. So, I do what I can in the morning before work—whether it’s chopping veggies or marinating meat. Even a little prep makes the evening rush easier, especially when someone gets home late from practice.
3) Set out backpacks in the morning
I always make sure their backpacks are ready to go, complete with Chromebooks, snacks, lunch, homework, folders, jackets, and shoes. We’re on the early school schedule, so with just 40 minutes from wake-up to out the door, having everything laid out makes the mornings as seamless as possible.

4) Prepare lunches and snacks the night before
I prep everything the night before so in the morning, all I have to do is grab their lunch from the fridge and pop it into their backpacks. It’s such a timesaver.
5) Set out clothes the night before
I’ve been doing this since my boys were babies. Their outfits are ready and waiting in the morning, which not only eliminates any last-minute decisions but also teaches them independence. Plus, I’ve been lucky that they’ve never complained about what I pick out for them!

6) Batch-cook breakfast on weekends
I like to make a big batch of protein-packed pancakes over the weekend so we have an easy, heat-and-go breakfast during the week. It’s a great way to save time and ensure they start the day off with something filling.
7) Clean the kitchen every night
A clean kitchen is my non-negotiable. I make sure the house is tidy, but the kitchen especially. It’s such a relief to wake up to a clean space, knowing that everything is ready for the day ahead.
8) Keep a second set of toothbrushes downstairs
I picked this up from “Jon and Kate Plus 8.” As daunting as that sounds, it truly does help. We have toothbrushes in the boys’ bathroom upstairs, but for quick school or sports mornings, I keep an extra set downstairs in the half bath for easy access. No excuses!
9) Make the beds every morning
I’m a huge believer in making the bed. It takes just a few minutes but sets the tone for the rest of the day. I like coming home to a tidy space, especially during my short lunch break before the afternoon rush. Fun fact: my therapist once challenged me to leave the bed unmade for a week, I obliged, but after that week was over those beds were made everyday!
10) Organize sports bags and gear the night before
My kids are into six different sports, and each sport comes with its own gear. We’ve set up a locker system in our home (thank you, Facebook Marketplace!) where everyone has their own space for their stuff. I also pack their sports bags the night before, so when it’s time to head out, it’s grab-and-go. By incorporating these small habits into my routine, I find I’m less stressed and more present for all the little moments that matter!

These are simple things that I can do to make life a little easier on a daily basis. I truly am loving this season of life. Our kids are independent, no one is napping and running around to all the sports is hectic, but watching them play gives me so much joy. It is truly what I looked forward to most in being a mom.