What a week of workouts look like

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I aim to have movement in my life everyday, whether it is a really tough run, a walk, or a heavy lifting session. This is a sample of a week in my life. I am training for an ultramarathon but this can be altered for a race or reason to train for.

Sunday –  Rest and Recharge: Embracing a slower start to the day, I indulge in extra sleep until 8:00 am, enjoying a leisurely morning without strenuous activity. It is typically a day to spend the morning with the boys and then rush to a sport or activity. But just to wake up slowly – feels great! To keep my step count on track, I opt for a treadmill stroll or a lengthy walk with Freddie, ensuring I hit my daily target of 12,000 steps.

Monday – Building Strength: Upper body gains took center stage today. Following along with YouTube workout videos, particularly favoring routines by Juice and Toya, I dive into a session focused on biceps, triceps, and core. A 30-minute sweat session is complemented by another 30 minutes on the treadmill for a well-rounded workout. I aim for an hour workout but it also could be an hour and a half. There are so many free workout videos on Youtube and you can search for the ones you like best!

Tuesday – 4 mile run. I am up at 6:15 am. I would prefer to run outside while listening to a podcast, however, if it is dark and under 40 degrees, I will watch a video on the tv and run on the treadmill. This particular day I ran on the treadmill at a slow 10 minute pace. Post-run, stretching sessions target my back muscles for relief and flexibility.

Wednesday -Lower Body Blast: Today’s focus shifts to lower body strength. Engaging with Juice and Toya once more, I delve into deadlifts, squats, lunges, and more, sculpting muscles from hip to toe. Their no-nonsense approach, accompanied by energizing music, keeps me motivated throughout the 30-minute routine. I particularly like that they do not talk during the workout but you can simply watch them to model the movements. I begin the strength day with another 30 minute warm up walk or a post 30 minute walk.

Thursday – Morning Hustle: With limited time before the day kicks into full gear, I lace up at 6:30 am for a 5-mile run, aiming to finish before the household awakens. Opting for the treadmill once more due to brisk March temperatures, I maintain a steady pace in preparation for April’s trail race, focusing on endurance over speed. 5 miles has felt easier and easier each time with the focus that I have put on running, which is exciting!

Friday – Yoga and Mindfulness: Incorporating restorative practices into my routine, I opt for a 30-minute yoga flow on the patio, embracing the warmth of the morning sun even though there was a chill in the air. Grounding exercises follow, grounding me in the present moment and setting a peaceful tone for the day ahead. A brisk 20-minute walk around the neighborhood completes the workout setting up my body and mind for a successful day ahead!

Saturday –  Trail Adventure: Joining forces with Will and a friend, we set out for a long run at Heckscher State Park, the site of our upcoming race. Our goal was to cover 15-18 miles, as we navigate the challenging terrain of the Greenbelt trails. Despite the occasional stumble over tree roots, we push through, ultimately completing a half marathon at a steady 11:35 pace. Parenting duties took precedence as we had to head back early to get the boys to a birthday party, but with the help of my mom, we adapted and conquered the trails, grateful for the opportunity to train together. I saw the importance of seeing the trails before the race as now I can picture exactly what parts of the course look like.       

Trail Runs

Running on the trails is difficult. You have to focus on each step you take as well as get ready for steep, rolling hills. The zoning out does not happen the same as on the road or a path. Trail running is new to me and 90% of our ultra marathon will be on the Greenbelt trails as we travel from Heckscher to Sunken Meadow. Trail running leads to much anxiety, however, it feels like an adventure that I have never participated in.

Reflecting on the week’s achievements, I’m pleased with my consistency and adaptability in the face of unforeseen challenges. Looking ahead, I’m eager to tackle new goals, with a focus on improving my 5k pace post-ultramarathon. As one journey concludes, another begins, keeping the momentum going strong.

My best advice is to sign up for something! Sign up for a race, a gym membership, a gym class, or if none of those are options – create a plan of what workouts to do for a week and stick with it and see what happens! The first step is the hardest but with a little skin in the game, it will give you the push you may need!

2 responses to “What a week of workouts look like”

  1. Puts my week to shame but I am thrilled for you and the example you are setting for your kids and unknown others. You go girl!