Time Management

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I pride myself on my effective time management skills, which allow me to navigate my roles as a mother and wife seamlessly. Each day, I approach my tasks with a clear plan in mind, ensuring I can conquer them efficiently.


To streamline the laundry process, I’ve adopted a simple yet effective strategy: one load per day. This prevents the buildup of overwhelming piles and makes the task more manageable. By tackling a load in the morning, flipping it in the afternoon, and folding it before bedtime, I maintain a consistent flow of clean clothes, eliminating last-minute scrambles.


I devote a dedicated block of time, typically on Thursdays or Fridays, to thoroughly clean the house. This comprehensive session, spanning 2 to 2.5 hours, covers dusting, bathroom sanitation, vacuuming, and floor washing. Consolidating these tasks into one session ensures a consistently tidy home, satisfying my preference for simultaneous cleanliness. I love to go into the weekend with a clean house. Doing it all in one day seems a bit crazy, as I could spread it out through the week but then not everything is clean at the same time and my OCD enjoys that part of the deal. I am a compulsive cleaner and clean up the kids’ toys sometimes as they are still playing, and that is something that I need to work on. A mess is a mess and it shouldn’t impact my day as much as it does. Slow and steady progress.


Prioritizing self-care, I kickstart my day with a workout before my kids wake up. By scheduling workouts on my Google Calendar in advance and laying out workout clothes the night before, I ensure a seamless transition into my morning routine. I also incorporate my work into work outs. Will built a desk that goes over the stationary bike that we have in the basement and I am able to bike while also grading the assignments of my students at my part time ENL position. This will be even more helpful when I go back full time to get two things done at once!

Children’s Schedules

Maintaining an active family life, I manage my children’s myriad activities using a shared Google Calendar. This allows us to coordinate schedules effectively, ensuring each child receives individual attention. A new activity we implemented this season was two on one dinner dates with Will and myself and one child. This was to really be able to listen to the boys and understand what they are thinking, feeling, etc. It was the most invaluable time that we have had lately and all of them absolutely loved it. This is something that all parents should try, I was thinking once a season so four times a year.  Especially with how close in age all of our boys are, having this one on one time makes them feel special and cherished.

Daily Goals

I emphasize four pillars for myself and my children each day: outdoor activity, mental stimulation, physical exercise, and leisure. Whether it’s structured learning, creative play, or relaxation, I strive to maintain balance in our daily routines, instilling valuable time management skills in my children. But even on the weekends, I challenge myself to keep up these mantras. We do some light school work on the weekends, which can be a game, craft, or worksheet as well as having them move in some way. In the winter, we do a lot of brain breaks on YouTube, which get their hearts pumping and then of course, time outside for nicer weather. They do of course, enjoy down time and doing something they enjoy like having a movie night, using their Nintendo switch, or building a fort. Life is about balance and it is up to me as their mother to teach them that early in life so that they can be productive with their time. I strive to allow more down time for myself, because there are days when I do not stop to take in the good, and that’s a lesson that I am still learning. Balance is the name of the game and learning that now will help them as they grow.

Household Management

Juggling household responsibilities requires teamwork and flexibility. My husband and I divide tasks based on our strengths, occasionally crossing into each other’s domains to lend support. By maintaining a fluid approach to chores and embracing shared responsibilities, we foster a harmonious household environment. Homeownership is not for the weak and there is always something to do but striving to balance your list with fun is the name of the game! Typically, the way we do it is Will takes care of the outside and I take care of the inside, but we obviously cross paths. I usually do most of the weeding in the garden while Will helps out with the laundry when I need it. We stick with spots to manage but are constantly crossing into each other’s territories. For example, Will just refinished the caulk and grout in our bathroom while I vacuumed out the cars. We are helping each other where we need it and picking up the slack on each other’s jobs which helps you to learn new things as well as not get stuck in a mundane routine.

Time Management Tips

For those struggling with time management, I recommend jotting down tasks and crossing them off as completed. Additionally, multitasking, such as listening to podcasts while performing chores, can increase productivity. However, it’s important to remember that balance is key, and it’s okay to have downtime when needed. Also, you need to balance what is important? What will your kids remember when they are older? I hope they remember me as their basketball coach and as the mom who would have a catch with them in the backyard. These time management skills go out the window when it comes to prioritizing time with your kids.

In essence, effective time management is about prioritizing tasks, maintaining a flexible approach, and finding balance amidst life’s demands.

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