Summer Homework with three kids at home

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Summer is a time for fun, rest and relaxation and while all three of those are incorporated into our day, we also like to keep up with our academics as well as athletics. Being a teacher, I see the importance of keeping up with learning concepts so that they are ready for the grade ahead. My boys are going into 3rd grade, 1st grade, and pre-k. This learning can involve sitting and completing worksheets as well as learning on the go. We attempt to incorporate learning into most activities but utilizing certain tools will make it that children do not even realize they are learning.

We always start with joining the summer reading program at our local library which tracks how many books children read as well as several activities to complete with writing and visiting places. Every two weeks, you bring your reading log into the library and each child gets a prize for what they have completed. We enter into raffles using our assignments that we complete in an attempt to win bigger prizes as well, which we have been lucky with in the past.

Our library theme is going on an adventure so one of the corresponding activities has to do with creating your own ice cream flavor, drawing a picture and describing it. Another one being, going on an adventure to a museum and writing about what you saw, learned about and loved about it.  We thoroughly utilize our library and museum passes to always try something new while also not spending any money as they are all free. For example, on Juneteenth, I took all three boys by myself to the Children’s Museum of the East End in Sag Harbor, which was about an hour and a half drive from our house. We had 4 free museum passes for this museum and we played with all of the indoor activities as well as a full mini golf course that they have outside. Some exhibits they had were an ice cream shop, pirate ship, science room, puppet show room, indoor playground, fire truck room, and a whole light bright wall. We had such a great time and timed it out well to avoid traffic on the way there and back and a bonus that we got a nap from my youngest on the way home! We all had such a great time and we wrote about our experience as part of the Adventurer’s club for the library program.

Our subjects for school work are as follows:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies

We do not focus on all of these everyday but in a week we try to get all subject areas covered.


With my 7 year old, we became pen pals this summer which was an idea his 2nd grade teacher gave me. Every night, I write Billy a note asking questions, talking about the day before, etc. Then the next morning, he writes me back and focuses on his capitalization, punctuation, spelling and proper letter style formation

With my 5 year old, we practice writing full sentences, writing sight words, and focus on neat handwriting.

With my 4 year old, we practice writing his name, forming letters, numbers, shapes, and symbols. These are done on dry erase boards or workbooks.


All ages practice the same reading techniques, I give them thirty minutes everyday to have a quiet, reading time in their rooms. For a 4 year old, who is not reading yet, I let him flip through books or play with a quiet activity, like legos. We also have reading time for all three boys every night before bed, where we read a book to them or they read one to us depending on the night. For Charlie, my little guy, he has memorized certain books and he is able to “read” them to me as well.


Math is done sometimes in the car, asking questions like “how many trees do you see?” “How many dogs did you count?” These are simpler tasks but they are still lessons. We also focus on math worksheets focusing on addition, subtraction and even some multiplication with my oldest.


We practice science experiments using a science experiment book that my mother in law gifted us for Christmas. We have done experiments with making volcanoes, painting rocks, and creating marble runs etc.

We also try to make all of the Home Depot first Saturday of the month craft projects, which are great ways to build, get kids hands dirty somewhere else, and make awesome projects!

Social Studies

This can just be current events for kids. Talking about current events happening like the 4th of July and what that stands for in our country.

Board games

Board games are an amazing way to incorporate math, reading, and sometimes writing into an activity. We love games like Monopoly Jr, Zingo, Bingo, match games, and so many more! There’s learning and understating without kids even realizing it!

Our typical schedule


My older two boys go to summer recreation at their school from 9:00 am-1:00pm, where they play sports, make crafts and play with their friends.

We walk home from camp, eat lunch and then get to some work for about 20-30 minutes. Then, the boys go into their room for their quiet reading time and then we continue on with our day whether it’s going in the pool, playing in the basement, or having friends over etc. To be honest, this does not go smoothly everyday. Sometimes, we have a playdate right after lunch and the kids go right in the pool which is wonderful! Then we shift and do our work before dinner and then some days we skip because the schedule is just too busy. It does not need to be rigid and feel like a punishment to kids. It is something that we keep light and fun and let them know how well this will help when school starts up.


Summer rec is over so we use more of the museum passes from the library during the morning time of August as well as going to parks, playground, the beach, splash parks or to the public pool.


We continue with sports for the summer but in a lighter capacity. My oldest is playing “travel” baseball because most of the travel is local. Dadjogger is the amazing coach to Billy and we all thoroughly enjoy attending their very exciting games. My middle and youngest are on the same t-ball team with summer and I get the honor and privilege to be their coach! We just started this week and they both thoroughly impressed me with their hitting and throwing as well as how much they knew about the game and what to do. That’s the beauty of having an older brother. I can’t wait to watch these two boys enjoy a new sport together along with me on the field. These boys will also continue with their 5k or 1 mile runs on Monday nights which is amazing training for all of the sports to come in the fall.

Summertime is so great with a looser schedule and more time for kids to do what they want. I have the privilege of being a very part time working Mom as I will be subbing and testing on Thursday mornings and nights, however, being home with them is my greatest joy! As hard as it can be at times, these are moments I will cherish for the rest of my life.