3 Benefits of Embracing a Lull in Your Workouts

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Lately, fitting longer regular workouts into my schedule has become more challenging due to our increasingly busy lives. I am still moving my body 7 days a week, but I am not running 10 miles or biking for hours. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay! There are times when work takes precedence, kids’ activities consume our free hours, or life simply becomes overwhelming. While I often discuss balancing it all and maintaining a consistent workout routine, this current season of my life looks a bit different. This summer has been nothing short of amazing. We’ve hosted numerous gatherings at our home, attended countless backyard BBQs and block parties, and enjoyed a few memorable getaways. Now, as September arrives, I find myself reflecting on the unexpected benefits of this slower pace. My goal throughout this busy season has been simple: incorporate some form of movement every day. Whether it’s a long walk with Freddie or a quick 30-minute strength session in the basement, staying active doesn’t always mean intense, hours-long workouts. Compared to last summer, when I was training for a half Ironman, this year’s fitness routine has been less intense but equally fulfilling.

Here’s what I’ve gained from this workout lull:

1. Increased Family Time – This summer provided abundant opportunities for quality family moments. Our trip to Boston, just the five of us, allowed us to connect deeply without the usual home distractions. We also spent countless hours together on the baseball field, fostering camaraderie among the boys. Billy, my oldest, celebrated a championship win in his travel baseball league, while Ben and Charlie played together on another team. Supporting each other at games and cheering from the sidelines brought us closer than ever before. For the first time, all our kids were actively participating rather than some playing and others needing supervision, making these experiences even more special.

 2. Embracing Relaxation and Slowing Down – Slowing down doesn’t come naturally to me; I’m accustomed to staying busy and constantly checking tasks off my list. However, reducing my workout intensity allowed me to discover the joy of taking breaks and truly relaxing. I found pleasure in simple acts like taking a 20-minute pause to read a book. Implementing a daily 30-minute quiet time for the kids to read, play, or rest in their rooms became a cherished routine, often leading to Charlie, our 4-year-old, putting himself into bed for a nap. These intentional pauses rejuvenated us all and taught me that life continues smoothly even without a packed schedule.

3. Exploring New Forms of Exercise – Without the pressure of training for a major race, I had the freedom to diversify my fitness routine. I ventured into yoga, incorporated more strength training, and revisited kickboxing workouts that I hadn’t done in years. Stepping away from my usual run, bike, and swim regimen refreshed my mind and body, reminding me of the importance of variety in maintaining a healthy and enjoyable fitness journey.

As the school year approaches, I anticipate returning to a more structured and intense workout schedule, complete with early morning training sessions and the familiar hustle of getting everyone ready for the day. But for now, I cherish these moments of living in the present and soaking up the relaxed vibes of summer with my family. Remember, it’s essential to celebrate what you are doing rather than dwelling on what you’re not. Find ways to move your body that fit your current lifestyle and bring you joy. Will and I are incredibly grateful for this sweet spot in our lives—having all our boys under one roof, spontaneously embarking on weekend trips, and enjoying the independence that comes as they grow older. Life moves quickly, and these precious moments are worth savoring. So, give yourself grace during life’s busy seasons, stay active in ways that suit you, and relish the unique experiences each stage brings.