Category: Motivation

  • How My Husband Motivated Me to Become a Runner

    How My Husband Motivated Me to Become a Runner

    Backstory Let’s take a trip back to high school Kelly. As I mentioned before, I joined the cross country team because my sisters and brother were all cross country runners, and I was simply following in their footsteps. A caveat to this is that they were all winning races and making it to state championships.… Read more

  • The Pursuit of Perfection

    The Pursuit of Perfection
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    The “perfect” parent is an ideal no one can live up to, yet many of us waste time trying to achieve it. Letting go of this ideal is often a long process, and perhaps you’re still in the midst of it. What helps you let it go? What hinders you? How have you reordered your… Read more

  • Running with kids

    Running with kids
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    Running/exercising with kids is something I didn’t expect to be doing so early on in motherhood, but I absolutely love it! Having children watch their parents to push themselves and take care of themselves is invaluable life lessons that they will remember forever. Demonstrating these exercises engages the children to want to try to and… Read more

  • 6 Weeks on After Your 6 Weeks Off

    6 Weeks on After Your 6 Weeks Off

    I have been asked many times, where do I begin and it simply starts with taking that first step, literally! This training plan is after your 6 weeks or 12 weeks depending on the birth of time off and then this plan gives you 6 weeks of a workout plan to ease back in! You… Read more

  • My Top Podcasts, Albums and Mantras

    My Top Podcasts, Albums and Mantras

    Now that the nicer weather is coming, I have been running outside more and avoiding the treadmill at all costs. With the nice weather comes the hits to keep you moving during a short or long run! These are also top hits that I listen to when cleaning the house. If you need to zone… Read more

  • Mental Pain vs. Physical Pain

    Mental Pain vs. Physical Pain

    Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a challenging workout, reaching a point where you just want to give up? How often do you give in to that urge to quit? And how often do you push through despite the mental struggle? Quitting is like a mental pain, a signal from your mind… Read more

  • Getting blown away by a half ironman

    Getting blown away by a half ironman
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    Participating in my inaugural half ironman during a tropical storm felt like a daring adventure. It seemed like rain had made Saturdays its permanent residence that summer, much to the dismay of many, especially those partaking in the racing season and just any human who enjoys summer weather on the weekends. In September 2023, the… Read more

  • Our teamwork sets us apart

    Our teamwork sets us apart

    Ice hockey, basketball, baseball, Cub Scouts, soccer, birthday parties, projects, library classes, after school commitments, working full time, working part time, exercise – these are all part of the bustling life in our household, managed and enjoyed by both my husband and me, and cherished by our boys! While it may sometimes require splitting up… Read more

  • The power of hard work

    The power of hard work
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    In March of 2016, I received the wonderful news that I had been accepted into the 2016 NYC Marathon! It was my second time entering the lottery, and I felt incredibly lucky to have been chosen so quickly. However, in December of 2015, I also discovered that I was pregnant with my first child! At… Read more

  • Finding The Beauty In Grief

    Finding The Beauty In Grief

    The summer of 2013 was gearing up to be the best one yet, I was getting married in August and was on the verge of receiving my first full time teacher position while having just completed my master’s degree in ENL. Dadjogger and I were also buying our first house together at the same time.… Read more