My Top Podcasts, Albums and Mantras

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Now that the nicer weather is coming, I have been running outside more and avoiding the treadmill at all costs. With the nice weather comes the hits to keep you moving during a short or long run! These are also top hits that I listen to when cleaning the house. If you need to zone out and get some work done, these choices are sure to help! The mantras that follow are things that can be written in a journal, repeated over and over again in your head, or kind words to say to others to boost their day.

Top 5 podcasts to listen to while running:

  1. Let’s Be Honest – Kristen Cavallari. This is a guilty pleasure listen but it’s entertaining and helps pass the time of a run.
  2. Couple Things – Shawn Johnson and Andrew East. This is helpful for couple issues as well as encouraging parts of parenting with three children. I also like it for the nostalgia of watching her win an Olympic medal during my childhood. This is very relatable as a 35 year old.
  3. The Squeeze – Taylor and Taylor Lautner. I love this podcast because they discuss mental health as a norm rather than a problem. They have interesting guests which discuss the way our brain works and helpful tips and tricks for optimal mental health!
  4. Call her Daddy – Alex Cooper. She has a lot of episodes and can always find one that interests you from actors to musicians. There is something for everyone. I listened to one recently on Jane Fonda, which was very interesting.
  5. These are the days – Audrey and Jeremy Roloff. This is one that has a lot to do with relationships, specifically marital relations. I enjoy their take on healthy living strategies and parenting approaches. They follow a more holistic approach to wellness.

Top 5 albums to listen to while running:

  1. Any Broadway or movie soundtrack – Most recently mine has been Hamilton but other favorites are Les Misérables, Hairspray, Moulin Rouge, Dear Evan Hansen, The Greatest Showman, Rent, or Wicked.
  2. 311 Will obviously got me on this train but they have really catchy songs as well as beats that sink up with your feet which is always a win!
  3. 2000’s R&B and Hip Hop – You get a little sample of your childhood and the songs that you sang and shouldn’t have as a child.
  4. Disney – Disney ballads will get you moving faster than you have ever run before. I am not a big Disney person when it comes to the theme park, but I love Disney songs!
  5. 90’s Hits – You can never go wrong with these tracks whether it’s boy bands for pop, or Yellowcard for some 90’s rock, there is an array of choices for all!

Mama Mantras

These are mantras to follow as a mom who is just trying to do her best for her kids:

  • One day at a time – Never have I uttered this phrase more than I did during my postpartum depression with Charlie. We have to take life one second at a time because we never know what is going to happen and that is how we should approach it. The days are long and the years are short especially with raising kids so you want to enjoy the day you have with them because they’ll never be that specific age again!
  • You go bro! – Obviously as a mom of all boys we use the word “bro” a lot! This is something we say often to each other and things that some even say to me. I will always be someone’s “bro”. During sports especially, Will and I both like to say this to the boys as well as giving them a big thumbs up to encourage how proud we are of them and all of their accomplishments.
  • Today I can do this, one step at a time – You know those mornings when you wake up and just want to sleep in or say “I’ll do the workout later” and then later comes and you get busy. Waking up and reminding yourself how good you will feel when you are done can help kick your butt into gear.
  • I trained for this –  This mantra is a favorite of mine when I need a pick- me- up. Whether it is during a race and you have to tell yourself that you put in the work and your body can do this. You know it in your heart, that you have put the time and energy into training and you have to keep pushing. This can also apply to other avenues in life. For example, getting a new job. You worked hard in college, studied for tests, received certifications, practiced your trade everyday so when the new challenge comes, tell yourself that you have put in the work for success.
  • Spend time and be kind – A mantra for living your life as happy as you can be. Spend time with those you love because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow and be kind to all. Even when people are not nice to you, be the bigger person and challenge them to live out their lives and be nice! A gentle smile, courteous wave, or action of kindness goes a long way in this world and we need more of it. I want my children to be smart and successful but what is more important is for them to be nice people who respect themselves and others!